The Island, Ipswich Waterfront - by Councillor Oliver Holmes
Associated British Ports have recently updated Ipswich Borough Council on their plans for the redevelopment of the island site on the Ipswich Waterfront. Cllrs. Inga Lockington and Oliver Holmes attended the presentation. Essentially, improving the access to the island will provide an opportunity for major development of the site which must be very positive for Ipswich.
Many of us have visited the Last Anchor (excellent food!) and have seen the wonderful Fairline yachts from the Waterfront. Perhaps not so well known is that Ipswich is the biggest port for agricultural exports in the UK and that more than 1800 people are employed throughout the Port.
ABP have now appointed a world renowned design company to establish a masterplan for the development. Initial findings suggest that a new placeshaping stategy will ensure a radical approach which could result in significant high-end development. What has already been highlighted is an ambivalent attitude to future trends within the town whilst at the same time, a tremendous opportunity for growth. The consultants cannot believe Ipswich is not a city! In their words, Greater Ipswich is bigger than Brussels.
Oliver did raise concerns about existing employment and the possibility that users such as grain, timber and brick ex/ importers would be driven out of Ipswich to other UK ports. However, ABP confirmed to him that they have already identified relocation sites on the West Dock for these commodities. Ipswich has an established railhead which with the anticipated cutbacks on road transportation should ensure bulk users will continue to use the Port.