20mph limits
Councillor Inga Lockington says "Much of the traffic crossing Ipswich uses roads in my County Division. Valley Road and Crown Street are at capacity, much of the time, so other residential roads are being used as rat-runs. Lib Dems in the last Coalition Government made reducing the speed limit to 20mph an easier option. Borrowdale Ave and its side roads were the first streets in our Division to "go 20". During the Travel Ipswich Scheme, to avoid the Town Centre, the Belvedere/Tuddenham Road junction became very busy, and Borrowdale Avenue a favourite cut through."
Inga worked together with residents to get the 20mph Speed Limit made Legal last autumn. Another part of the Division in desperate need is the accident hot-spot between Anglesea, Orford and Warringtom Roads. A major scheme,drawn up to improve the junctions, was not supported by local residents who recognised that the real issue was speeding traffic passing through.
Inga also supported a plan to look at a 20mph speed restriction across the area between Norwich Road/ Henley Road & Valley Road. Residents were consulted last year and were in favour. A second proposal for more on-street parking on Anglesea Road was NOT supported and will not go ahead. The scheme is therefore to introduce a 20mph limit in the 33 streets within the area.
The next step is the completion of a County Council "Legal Order", details of which are on display in Ipswich's Libraries, and to which residents can respond.